The Pond and Beyond
What a difference a week makes!
A week ago, temperatures were mild and there was virtually no snow to be seen, except perhaps in deep shaded areas. Midway through the week, temperatures in Toronto started dropping and we got our first significant snowfall since Christmas. So, on a sunny Saturday afternoon, I decided to revisit East Point Park.

I chose to spend more time around the pond, and wound my way along the back edge of the pond.

I discovered further evidence of the local beaver; felled trees, flooded/frozen parkland and what appeared to me to be and ingenious dam structure that was contributing to the flooding and enhancement of the wetland. I don't think Mr. Beaver has a building permit, though...

I found myself skirting mature fallen trees, likely the victims of the beaver’s redevelopment plans, collapsed due to the wetness of the soil and their own sheer weight and age.

While making pictures the motion of the dried bulrushes swaying in the breeze caught my attention. I quickly set up my tripod and captured some footage, one clip seen here. After looking at the footage at home I admit to wishing I had brought my rails with me to create more dynamic clips. I guess that's something else I need to start putting the car when I head out. But I also admit I need more practice with the rails so perhaps I'll make that a project for warmer weather. :-)

And of course, I took a walk along the waterfront trail, again seeing more than a few people walking the edge of the trail, well past the safety barrier. Not something I've built up the comfort to do just yet.

I hope you enjoyed this little walk. If you'd like to see more, check out Living on the Edge, my first project focused on East Point Park.