We had the good fortune of spending one beautiful, sunny day over the weekend watching the Kawartha Region Appaloosa Horse Club (KRAHC) members compete in the first summer show and fundraiser of the season. Beautiful horses and showings all around.
I've gone totally cross-channel on this project - I first posted to Facebook so the members of the KRAHC would be more likely to find the photos, then I pushed the images to Flickr, then I built a Spark Page story about the event, and now, here I am again, back in Behance! And of course, I also shared the work via social media, including Adobe Spark Post.

I went from about 150 images to about 50 for Flickr and Facebook, on Behance, the number is further reduced to about 30. If you want to see everything (well, everything I'm willing to show), be sure to drop by Flickr.
Prior to meeting up with Liz and Doug last year, I had done very little equine photography. I don't claim to be an expert in this segment of the craft of photography, but I've been very pleased with my work to date, and if the horse owners' reactions on Facebook are to be taken seriously (and I do) then I'm doing a pretty good job. After all, they know horses.
Horses and Their People

My friend Liz showing one of her magnificent horses.

This young man is only FOUR years old! But he did a great job guiding his horse in his very first exhibition.

Doug Mileham looks every bit the quintessential cowboy in this shot. I love it.

Waiting to Show

You don't always have to be close to get a good shot. These images tell their own stories and add impact because they are not close up.

Wild, Wild Horses . . .

One of the reasons Liz invited us to this particular event was that she knew I'd have opportunities for photos here that I wouldn't anywhere else. The "here" is Saddlewood Equestrian Centre, just north of Bethany, Ontario. Saddlewood is home to over 120 horses, and specializes in summer horse camps for girls aged 6 - 16, of all riding skill levels.
The acreage these horses have to frolick and well, just be natural beings without the glitz and shine of showing, made for some fantastic images as you can see below.