Yes, as you can see, I will sometimes go for a catchy, but nonsensial project name, simply to lure people in. :-)
This past weekend, while chilly (or "seasonal", I should say) was a beautiful bright, sunny one. We decided to go for a walk down at the Scarborough Bluffs, only a 10 minute drive from home.
I brought along my little Lumix GF7, in case some piqued my interest. And I'm glad I did! While I didn't shoot a lot, the bluffs themselves stood out in such detailed relief, thanks to the clear day, that I had to make a few pictures, including this four-frame panorama. Enjoy!
Workflow Note
Unlike my usual processing workflow, I switched things up this time and did my image selection and the majority of image processing using Lightroom Mobile on my iPad Pro. The sheer real estate of the iPad Pro makes image editing and selection a joy. From a processing perspective though, I did miss access to my presets and localized adjustments. So I ended up doing final tweaks in Lightroom on the desktop.

Almost other-worldly, the Scarborough Bluffs are a defining part of the Ontario shoreline.
According to information on Wikipedia, The bluffs are part of an escarpment that stretches along 15 kms of Lake Ontario shoreline: "The escarpment forms the old shoreline of Glacial Lake Iroquois, formed after the last ice age, which left valuable geological records as the part of the escarpment by the lake eroded. The eroded alluvial deposits from the Bluffs then settled westward to form the Toronto Islands."
As you can imagine, weather - and to a greater degree, mankind - have deeply impacted the bluffs and there has been significant erosion over time.

The only cache here is not so hidden; stunning views of the Cathedral Bluffs and Lake Ontario.

Driving down the steep hill of Brimley Road, into Bluffer's Park, one thing that struck both of us was the brilliant color of the lake. From turquoise to deep blue as you looked out across the water. This stunning color was there, in front of our eyes, and not the creation of a post processing in Lightroom.

Original, unprocessed image.

This waterway leads from a series of catchbasins and manmade filtration systems, which helps to clean and screen storm sewer water before it flows into the lake.

Bluffers' Park is primarily man-made. Much the park's shoreline consists of clean construction landfill - concrete blocks, bricks, slabs of sidewalks and parking barricades. Fairly treacherous to walk on, this manmade shore definitely holds up against the water action of Lake Ontario.