Descent to the Lake
I recently learned of a trail in Scarborough that safely leads down to the Lake Ontario Waterfront and provides stunning views of the Scarborough Bluffs.
And it's only an 8-minute drive from my house!
The Doris Mccarthy Trail is a steep but well-maintained route down to the lake. My interest was piqued because I had always wondered how people made it down to the lake in my area, short of the obvious Bluffer's Park location. Where you take your car down Brimley
Road all the way to the lake at Bluffers Park, The Doris Mccarthy trail is the hikers' equivalent.
WIth plans for a sunrise shoot over the holidays, I took an hour or so this past week to check out the trail, the terrain and to once again remind myself how out of shape I am.

The day was fairly mild, and I found the smoothly graded path to be a little mucky, but otherwise fine. It was roughly a ten minute walk down to the water. The hike back up took MUCH longer, and was punctuated with several breaks.

When I arrived at the foot of the trail, I was greeted by this beautiful sculpture, Passage, created by the artist Marlene Hilton Moore. The sculpture honors not only the painter and teacher Doris Mccarthy, but also the history and geology of the area.

My goal for this little outing was simply to scout the location, so I did not plan on staying too long. That said, within several yards of the trailhead I found many compositions worth capturing.

These water-polished bricks would make a good jigsaw puzzle...