The days are definitely cooling off and the fall color in my area of Toronto is as much on the ground as it is in the trees. But these conditions still make for great photo opportunities. This collection of images come from both my back yard (over the past couple weeks) and a photo-hike I took in Rouge National Urban Park, a short 20 minute drive from my house. The Rouge held far more yellows and golds than reds and oranges, to my surprise, but I managed to find a few brilliant red leaves the further I walked into the park. Enjoy!
The Back Yard
Rouge Urban Park
I had my camera all set up for this scene, waiting for just the right moment when the sun would peek through the clouds and add the deth I was looking for in this shot. Then from behind me, I heard a young woman ask if I would take their picture. I agreed and made a couple pictures of the group surrounded by the yellow and gold tapestry. I returned to my camera only to see the group climbing the hill - right through the middle of my shot! I patiently waited for them to get to the top of the hill and wander off, but, no; apparently, they had discovered the perfect spot to throw leaves in the air and take pictures of each other. 

15 minutes later and the activity still had not grown old, so, I decided to adjust my timing to get the lighting I wanted, with the least number of people visible. This was the best capture and you likely wouldn't know anyone was up there, even though one of the ladies is visible. Thank goodness for dark clothing!
So Long, Old Friend...
This past Sunday, after my walk, was also the day I decided to retire my old Tilley hat. As you can see from the photo, it had become a very tired hat. It had served me well for many, many years, travelling with me to Lake Superior, California and Newfoundland for all the Excellent Adventures, and more. I thought it fitting that my final photo with my old friend was in a bed of red maple leaves. This was totally coincidental, as this pile of leaves was literally across the street from the Tilley store! And I'm glad I took this photo, as part of the exchange is that you need to give them your old hat. 

Tilley hats are not cheap, but they come with a lifetime guarantee against wear, and even a warranty for loss! Canadian-made, durable. In the case of wear and tear, a Tilley hat owner can bring the hat back to the store and get a completely free replacement! I opted for a slightly more modern style this time around, so I did pay an extra - wait for it - $6 plus tax.

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