A Sampling of Seasons
“I love nature, I love the landscape, because it is so sincere. It never cheats me... It is cheerfully, musically earnest.”
- Henry David Thoreau
Our cottage is open from May 1 to October 31. I make a lot of photos while we are there - in my opinion, a lot of good photos. By no means is every capture a "keeper", but I thought it would be a fun challenge - and a good exercise in curation - to pick 4 of my favorites from each month and share them here. Mry criteria were simple:
- maximum 4 images per month
- technical quality
- variety in content, color and composition
- visual appeal
The images had to stand on their own and not require a lot of explanation or context. If you've visited my Behance site before, you KNOW I already do enough of that in my photography projects.
This was not an easy task, but it was fun.
So without further - um - context, here are my favorite images from the 2021 cottage season
May 2021

June 2021

July 2021

August 2021

September 2021

October 2021

As I said, this was no easy task. from more than 2300 images, I narrowed the list down to 127. Then I thought I'd try Lightroom's "Best Photos" feature. I agreed with several of the choices made by Lightroom, but not always. So then, using the sorting controls in Lightroom, I segmented the images into each month and proceeded to whittle things down to a maximum of 4 images for each month. Essentially, I chose slightly more than 1% of the photos I captured over 6 months to create this collection.
I could have doubled or tripled the size of this collection because I had far more than a mere 24 favorites, but I wanted to push myself, make myself struggle to pick only 4 from each month. The struggle was real, trust me.
I hope you've enjoyed this taste of summer at the #fortressofmoderatesolitude. For more imagery from our rural escape, check out my other projects on Behance, Instagram or on my website at jimbabbage.photography