Sunrise Sojourn
I made a promise to myself that I would get up in time for sunrise at least once this past weekend and - as usual - I'm glad I kept the promise. Sunrise on Rice Lake was magical once again. Exposure times ran between 6 seconds (left) and 60 seconds, thanks to the built in Live Graduated ND filter and the Live ND and  in my OM1 Mark II.
The view from the Indian River bridge in Keene was a delicate collection of hues and tones, with the added mystery of mist along the shoreline in the distance.
The above scene is a composite in two ways: (left) After processing in Lightroom Classic, I blended two images together in Photoshop to retain sharpness from front to back; (right) I used the Sky Replace feature to add in subtle clouds in the background, to add some interest to the blank white sky.
Another focus-stacking composite using two images. I'm starting to use this technique more often to take advantage of the "sweet spot" of my lenses, in terms of aperture/image quality. My OM5 and OM1 Mark 2 cameras can do focus stacking in-camera, but for now, I prefer handling this manually. You see slight differences in composition because I was hand-holding the camera.

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