Captured in Mid October, this series is likely the last set of night shots from the Fortress of Moderate Solitude (aka the cottage) for the year. Friends of ours had joined us for the weekend and my friend Glen is also an avid photographer. It was a clear night and he wanted to try doing some night shots, so we headed up to the golf course where there is minimal light pollution and almost 360 degree views of the night sky (completely 360 if you don't mind the resort in part of the view).
We shot these images after 11 pm so the glow in the distance could only be nearby Peterborough. My exposure settings ranged from ISO 3200 - 6400, apertures 2.8 - 3.5 and shutter times from 15 - 20 seconds.
The Milky Way is not super brilliant from our angle, but I hope my processing in Lightroom has done it justice, without overdoing it.