In the late summer, our friends Liz and Doug of Mileham Show Horses, invited us to another fun horse competition called the International Appaloosa Futurity Show. It was hosted by Whisper Ridge Ranch, just outside of Norwood, Ontario.
It was a beautiful, sunny day, and an idyllic setting for the competition, with rolling hills and valleys as a backdrop to the event. We arrived mid afternoon and caught one aspect of the competitions I had yet to see. Loosely called "the games", these events were a chance for the horses and riders to "kick up their heels" and have some fun, racing around barrels or winding through a pole slalom. Many of the other events, the animals are moving at a much slower pace, showcasing both the horse's dexterity and the rider's control. Those events are much easier to capture. The games are more fast paced and gave me a challenge to focus and shoot quickly.

Whisper Ridge Ranch is a gorgeous location with rolling hills and lots of land for the horses stabled there to roam.

The barns themselves gave me many opportunities for interesting photographs. Combined with the bright sunshine and 45-degree direction, I could pull out a lot of detail, texture and form.

Little Cujo gets in on the action!

Setting up and tearing down the obstacles for each competition is a team effort.